...creative garbage that sometimes grows flowers.


Will Belew

Thu, Jun 23 2016

When it came to choosing a name for our company, The Fitness Alchemists won out unanimously. For us, the idea of turning ordinary and abundantly available metals into rare and precious gold is a perfect metaphor for the transformative process that fitness can be. 

Let's start with the Ordinary. In our coaching practice, the ordinary metals are the tools we use to create the transformation: movement & nutrition.  They aren't fancy. They are time tested. 

The process is simple--but not easy--which is why it looks like magic to the outside observer. 

Most of us start a fitness journey, the kind that goes deep and stays for a long time, by thinking, "Why do all those lucky jerks look like they're enjoying themselves?" We feel like exercise is hard, and results are far away. 

The media consistently bombards us with two contradictory realities:

Media Myth #1: Exercise has to be HARD

Media Myth #2: It's easy! Just buy this thing

The truth lies somewhere in between. You don't have to kill yourself, nor is there an easy, one-size fits all solution. The practices that lead to optimal health (and hotness) are simple: Move your body. Eat well. Be present. The hard part is making these practices a part of your daily life.

That is where the real alchemy comes in. Taking ordinary principles, and applying them consistently over time.   

We believe that your body is a miraculous, self-healing machine, which requires a little regular maintenance. Our aim as coaches is to help you learn how to perform that maintenance, and integrate it into your life so that you can do it a) consistently and b) with enjoyment. That's right, you might be the "lucky jerk" someone else looks up to. 

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