...creative garbage that sometimes grows flowers.

CHANGE is in the air!

Will Belew

Mon, Jan 17 2022

New Membership Structure


Well 2022 has fully reared its head (I'm trying to ignore the memes about '2020, too' ), and I'm happy to report that we are unveiling something we've been cooking up for almost a year: a private social network built around helping folx build their most joyful movement practice.

I'm calling it The Fitness Alchemists Collective, and in addition to being the much-improved new home for our epic Kinstretch class library (120 classes and growing strong!), it will also be the platform for upcoming events and workshops that I'm really excited about running later this year.

But maybe the part I'm most excited about is that it will be bringing people together in their individual pursuit of a physical JOY practice. It's the real good stuff that's soooo hard to find when training alone, at home.

It's that elusive combination of traveling your individual journey while in good company that is motivational and energetic cat-nip for our subconscious selves. Nothing else really drives us humans the same way.

So with how isolating and yet hyper-connected the last couple years have been, I'm really looking forward to exploring and growing the TFA signal (that ALL bodies have the opportunity to grow toward a richer and deeper experience of their physical world) within the safe bounds of a closed online community.Now, as someone who is tuning in to our work, I wanted to let YOU in first on how we're structuring our new memberships on this platform.

Access to The Fitness Alchemists Collective: offered at a modified sliding scale rate ($30, 60, 90 per month)**

Optional member only add-ons: custom workout programming, discounted private sessions, early/discounted access to workshops

All memberships are month-to-month, and compliments well with any other physical training or rehab you might currently be doing

Our work is centered in people-first action and language (#AllBodiesAreGoodBodies), and we're definitively anti-racist, anti-diet and anti-ableist

All of these membership changes have been toward building a degree of flexibility (one of my FAVORITE things) and accessibility into the very structure of our fitness + coaching offerings.

Because life tends to shift! and people tend to need different things over time to help support them in their physical journey. And boy-o-boy I am HERE for that!

The bottom line is: I'm a big fan of change (even if it gives me the heebie-jeebies in the actual moment).

Now, one more thing to mention, about accessibility … as in price accessibility.

During my time working in the fitness industry, and on-going frustration of mine has been how costly many of the really positive and effective fitness offerings are out there.

Sure, there are plenty of low-cost options available, but to get personalized, human-first fitness coaching almost always comes with a hefty price-tag. Which means it is literally not available for many, many people.

So this is my best anti-capitalist-business-owner response: you tell me what you can pay! (Between those 3 tiers I mention above)

And if the lowest tier of membership is too high for you, send us an email we'll set you up at a lower rate.

Because I believe that these simple movement practices that we are centering at the Collective are too important to be cut-off from all the humans who simply can't pay. I believe that given the right tools, the person each of us can become is exactly what our current world needs.

And if I'm wrong? Well I guess I'd rather believe 🤷‍♂️.

That's all for now! and I hope to see you soon in the new Collective.



PS: Know anyone who might want to give the new Collective a shot? Tell 'em to check out this blog post OR subscribe to the newsletter by clicking HERE . Thanks!

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