...creative garbage that sometimes grows flowers.

How We Help You Change

Will Belew

Sat, Sep 05 2020

My girlfriend always likes to joke about what a sucker I am.

Specifically, how I always seem to get sucked into that last minute conversation about my job (fitness) riiiiiiight as we're about to leave a party.

Oh yea, remember parties? Back when people got together in the same room, bare-faced and brazen?

Le sigh...

But she's right; I have a soft spot for that oonnnnne human who always seems to want to follow-up about what I do. "Will, I had a question about what kind of training you offer…?"

It's been retired accountants, middle-aged cops, high school athletes and every stripe in between. And they all are curious about this thing that I do: help people move, better.

It's a hard thing for me to describe quickly, at the tail-end of a party, but I try! I usually end up managing some kind of pile of jargon, gesturing and little details that relate it to what I perceive to be their sitch.

But Hannah and I realized something recently...we need to be able to describe what we do, and we need to be able to say it off the cuff, to a slightly-buzzed, freshly met acquaintance, at a party (whenever that happens again…).

So here goes.

We take the approach that having and enjoying a rich physical life comes down to three things:

How well do you know your physical self?

How well can you control physical self?

What do you want to do with your physical self?

Our work is both to pose those questions, and arm you with the tools to really answer those questions, for yourself.

We offer an online membership, that guides you through those first, awkward weeks of doing a few CARs each day (CARs are Controlled Articular Rotations, aka Joint-Butter 🧈, aka the way you "wake up" your proprioception and gain control of the full range of motion of your joints), and then on to those months of gradually realizing how much more of the world there is to experience when your body is awake and *unencumbered. *

And because training is a journey, full of inner and outer obstacles, we offer on-going group and private guidance about how to get stronger right where you need it, in the time that you have (no set-it-and-forget coaching with us).

And as people get the hang of moving regularly in this thoughtful but intense way, an exciting thing starts to happen: all those physical challenges you've entertained (but backed away from) over the years start to sound a little less scary, and little more...fun.

Dancing in the kitchen sounds more fun, digging out the backyard sounds like more fun, even balancing on one foot while brushing your teeth sounds like more fun. Some of our clients even get reeeeaaalllll crazy and set a goal, like: "Get my first pull-up" or "Backpack thru Yosemite".

Except unlike other times when they've set a goal, they are now engaging this challenge with a body that has been listened to and attended to. And their body has rewarded that care with a simple, yet powerful gift: it works.

Like how your car starts in the morning (most of the time ;), or your light switch turns on your lights, your body begins to respond when you call on it.

And sure, it may occasionally rebel, and flip you the bird in the form of a cranky neck or a tweaked knee.

But that's just a reminder to check back in with where you start with us: How well do you know your physical self? And, more importantly, what are you not aware of that means that your body has to call out, in pain?

So that's our process, in a nutshell. Much of this magic just can't be described that well, until you have some felt experience with it. But our clients do a pretty good job ...

*"WOW! I just took the first class you suggested and it is incredible! All the pain in my sitting bone is gone. I know its not gone for good, Ive got work to keep doing but I am feeling so grateful."

"We started at 6000 feet elevation, so I was huffing and puffing a bit, but by day two I could really feel how much stronger I've become since I started these classes with you all. It felt powerful and helped me enjoy an activity that I already love, even more. Thank you both, for that! For reals."

"Initially, during Shelter-in-Place I was worried about training at home....At first I did the ZOOM workouts now and then out of a sense of guilt – I SHOULD work out. However, I noticed that I felt SO much better after a day at the computer when I did my session with The Fitness Alchemists. I felt lighter, stronger in my core and more in control of my movements.

"[Your classes] are truly wonderful, and I've had some great breakthroughs recently with them, especially with some hip and shoulders bits."

"I just wanted to say thank you. From day one you both have been teaching my inner body how to take the shame out of disappointment. I think in the past I easily felt frustrated and even embarrassed over injuries and lack of skill. You have a way both in person and now over videos (magically) to help me move from this stuck feeling to getting excited and inspired where I am needing work. I feel so empowered and curious rather than helpless.  Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge in such a kind, uplifting, and meaningful way."*

If working this way sounds interesting to you, we'd love to get you started <<First Name>>. Hit reply, and say, "OK, I'm in" and I'll get you all the info about how to get started.

Or (for you go-getters, you curiosity-mavens, you people-who-would-grab-me-at-a-party-cuz-you-heard-I'm-a-trainer) click HERE to book a call. We'd love to show you what having joints that work really feels like.

Have a great weekend! Coach Will

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