...creative garbage that sometimes grows flowers.

The sun is still a-shining!

Will Belew

Fri, Apr 03 2020


️That's my trail greeting (Coach Will here btw).

It's the voice I use when I'm out hiking to let people know that I'm happy to see them, whoever they are, even if I won't be walking near them :).

Because through these days of social distancing, getting outside has been not only a chance to ground myself amidst the trees and dirt and sky, but also an opportunity to be in community with all of my neighbors who are as wrenched from their normal lives as I have been. 

Which is why I'm writing you today... I want to let you in on a little secret I have been experimenting with for the last year. 

It's called Strava. It's free, and while it is a social network, I'm convinced that its upside far outweighs any misgivings I have about putting my social life online.

Strava is built around the every-day outdoor adventures--by foot, bike, etc--of it's participants.

For example: When I go for a hike, I'll turn on the Strava app so that it can record elevation, mileage, etc. Then, when I'm done, I post that adventure and anyone who is following me gets to see my route, get inspired or give encouragement. Because  = awesome.

That's it! It's all about doing, and sharing, adventures. (If you're a numbers geek like me, the info that Strava begins to compile/analyze for you is pretty fun too.)

So as part of our push to support all of you during this sideways time, we have set up a club on Strava JUST for Alchemists (eg YOU). You'll need to make yourself a Strava account, but then you can request to join our club by searching for The Fitness Alchemists.

Or just click HERE and then click 'Sign-Up'.

These are weird, tough times, and no one is that sure of anything. 

But you know what I am sure of? The positive potency of getting outside AND feeling supported by people who care about us.

Hope to see you on Strava soon!

-Coach Will

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