...creative garbage that sometimes grows flowers.

Those Should-y Voices

Will Belew

Thu, Apr 29 2021

Hey there,

What if you were able to believe that already, right now, you are doing it right?

What if you were able to be generous with yourself, and see the glass of your experience as half-full?

What if the paths you see for yourself to PROGRESS or GROW were just options in front of a you that was already doing a great job?

How would that shift your relationship with yourself?

How would that relieve the constant barrage of 'SHOULD's and 'YEAH, BUT's that undercut you?

How would that expand your world-view, and the moves you could make in that expanse?

Now, this kind of thought experiment isn't some kind of believe-it-into-reality ploy, but rather just an idea to play with, and maybe to balance out the chorus of dissent that can dominate our inner worlds.

I remember so clearly walking to class in college and realizing how loud the "You SHOULD…" voices really were in my head.

And I say 'voices' because there were several, and they were arguing.  Their messages conflicted, intertwining into so many dead-ends, and I was stuck in the middle trying to figure out what to do.

It really felt like no matter what direction I took, I'd be 'doing it wrong' according to at least one of those "SHOULD-y" voices.

And just like that, like a circuit shorting itself, I would be drained and confused simply by trying to satisfy all those critical voices.

Now some years on from that realization, I still hear those voices all the times (yes, I hear voices 😬), but they've been balanced out with other voices, that sound/feel more like gratitude (I attribute this change mostly to a long-term commitment I have to recognizing the good stuff in my life)

The reality is that our lives, our bodies, our being is replete with natural miracles, miracles of sensation, of connection, of consciousness, of possibility and transformation.

Our minds, on the other hand, can sometimes stagnate with an underlying belief that we are NOT doing it right.

But what if, just for a moment, you were able to believe that actually, right now ... you are doing it right?

Where would that inner conversation lead…?

Here's to finding your gold 🍻,

Coach Will

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