...creative garbage that sometimes grows flowers.

the form that it takes

Will Belew

Mon, Mar 22 2021


This is Coach Will dropping by with an update from our world (tho that kinda undersells it, but I'll get there).

Early on, I learned that the very best parts of life--the most alive, most creative, most rich--share a critical trait: they end.

Unlike objects that persist even after they are thrown away, those most valuable aspects of our experience are so valuable exactly because they don't last forever.

And so it is with the commercial lease of our studio.

Thanks to Covid, a prolonged visit from the Wicked Witch of Plumbing Mishaps, and the clarity that came with dealing with both, Hannah and I decided (after much hand- and heart-wringing) that the best next step for The Fitness Alchemists was to leave the brick-and-mortar gym-owner life behind.

This move leaves us with much more bandwidth to keep exploring the wide world of online movement/mobility coaching.

Working with people in this way, oddly, has been a big bright spot of this last year.

Being able to coach through an internet connection offers a closeness to our members' day-by-day movement life that was completely impossible when we only saw people in-person, and the results for our members have been undeniable.

So while we will miss the way the morning sun warmed our mats, the spectacular backdrop our Stahl Wall provided for allll the filming, the community that was kindled inside those walls, and so much more, we look ahead to the shape of things to come.

All of the work and energy that went into crafting our space will still be composting for some time, but we can't wait to see what grows next. 🌱

Thank YOU for being on this journey with us, and stay tuned … 

And in the words of the one and only Coach Hannah: 'On we merrily stumble.'

Go find your gold,

Coach Will

PS: Speaking of 'more bandwidth', we recently were able to upgrade our YouTube page a bit with new welcome vids and lots of free content….check it out, would ya? We'd love it if you hit 'Subscribe', but also we just wanna hear what you think!

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