...creative garbage that sometimes grows flowers.

What's the 'right' approach to fitness?

Will Belew

Wed, Mar 16 2022


I have been working hard recently on more clearly defining who and what The Fitness Alchemists as a company, is for. Why does this company exist?! (nothing like a little existentialism to kick off your Saturday sip and scroll, or whenever you're reading this...)

Now I'm already cooking up a separate blog-post article about the name--where it came from and why I've stuck with it. But today I wanted to share something different: who I am not trying to work with. Who I don't think I'm the 'right fit' for.

And I'm curious to hear what you think.

So my thoughts about this came together as an answer to a question from Seth Goden, as part of The Marketing Seminar (super interesting online course I'm taking)...

Q: Why might your ideal client find you, understand your promise, and still decide it isn't for them?

And here's my answer...

Because they want to think less about, and feel less from, their bodies during their movement time ("workout", "exercise", "lifting", "cardio"). In contrast, I definitely ask people to think, to feel, to embody, while moving, and that is not for everyone, and it's not for every time in a person's life.  

The benefits of what I'm offering (my training/coaching) have some really incredible long-term payoffs (more resilient, mobile joints that are less injury-prone), and will make you a more effective mover, no matter your sport/activity/movement-interest.

SoulCycle, on the other hand, offers a spiritual experience, with dubious long-term benefits, this afternoon, for $40.

We both are called fitness, but we essentially trade in different things entirely.

And that's OK! In fact, the way we're different means we might actually be a good compliment. It means the world takes all types, and movement can be, and IS, many things for many people. I'm just focused on my little corner, where we work on making joints move and feel better.

In the same vein, my approach demands your attention, your time, for at least 10min a day. This isn't much time, but it is something, and it speaks to a bigger way that I might not be for you.

I won't be 'pushing' you thru the workout per se (tho I do offer an on-demand class library), so this has to be something YOU want. Will my guidance and accountability help? Sure thing, but I need to make sure you are building your movement agency from the beginning of us working together.

Because I believe that if thru us working together, you become more dependent on external guidance, and LESS trusting of your own body signals, then I have failed at my job.

After all, you are doing the moving, you are feeling the important info about your body. I'm just here to help you orient, and direct your exploration into the incredible possibilities of your human body.

And of course, that means you get the biggest pay-off, too: a stronger, more comfortable body, that is ready for your adventure, whatever that might be.

But! this approach is not for everyone. Some people just want a quick movement fix, like a cup of coffee, and that's what their lives have space for, and I ain't judging a one of them.

Cuz at the end of the day... motion is lotion, whatever it looks like.

Wishing you well! 

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